Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – What You Need to Know

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine disorder that affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age (age 15 – 49). It is characterized by hormone imbalance, hyperandrogenism (excess male hormone levels), and abnormal cystic growth in the ovaries. In PCOS, many small, fluid-filled cysts containing immature eggs envelope the ovaries, causing them to Continue Reading

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nutrition and sexual health

Nutrition & Sexual Health: How They Are Connected

Sexual health is a delicate topic and one that isn’t usually the first to come up in conversation. An important aspect of our overall being, sexual health often times may be the last thing we acknowledge when problems arise due to shame, embarrassment, confusion, or other personal reasons. A variety of factors can come into Continue Reading

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Breastfeeding: 3 Valuable Benefits

Breastfeeding Awareness Month –  August 1 – 31st World Breastfeeding Week – August 1st – 7th Breastfeeding is a practice that dates way back and provides a host of benefits to our children. Often times, Melanated women get tricked out of giving our children the best there is to offer, because like most knowledge, this Continue Reading

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black maternal health

Advocating for Black Maternal Health

Black Moms Are Dying…What Are We Doing About It? In the richest nation on earth Black moms in the U.S are dying during and after childbirth at 3 to 4 times the rate of their white counterparts. The United States lags behind many other countries in this area and the Centers for Disease Control and Continue Reading

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children's health

Our Children’s Health: Giving Them a Strong Start

As parents, we want our children to be happy and healthy. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to ensure their healthy growth and development of our kids. As we observe Every Child Health Week from April 26th – April 30th, let’s look more closely at some steps we can take to maintain our children’s Continue Reading

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Dr. Asha Brewer

Dr. Asha Brewer, Creator of Healthy Conversations!

There is no way to be in the same space as Dr. Asha Fields Brewer and not sense the robust energy which she carries. Known to most as Dr. Asha, she is the force behind Healthy Conversations which encompasses a myriad of ventures all focused on promoting healthy dialogues within the community. As an author, Continue Reading

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Diabetes: 10 Must-Know Facts

As a diabetes educator, one of the questions that I ask my patients is, “what concerns you the most about diabetes?” The responses can vary. Some people are aware of the complications and are genuinely worried, while others are not alarmed at all. Some feel that you just must take medicine and that’s it, whereas Continue Reading

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wellness check-ups

Wellness Check-Ups to Schedule

Start the Year in Good Health It feels good to know that we are in good health when we remain committed and attentive to our wellness. A great way to make sure that we are doing this is by addressing which significant check-ups are approaching or overdue. Speaking with the right medical professionals can reassure Continue Reading

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Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plant

The Aloe Vera plant is one of the oldest plants mentioned in history. With its many health benefits and medicinal properties, it is widely regarded for its amazing healing properties. Some of the oldest written reports of the use of aloe date back to 6000 years to Ancient Kemet {Egypt}. It’s been noted that Cleopatra Continue Reading

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The C4PEMD – Sparking Conversation & Change Around Health

ATLANTA – Four prominent female doctors of color have joined forces to launch a new television program aimed at addressing the unique health concerns and inequities in women and the Black community called The C4PEMD. Members of the esteemed panel of experts are Dr. Amber K. Brooks, Dr. Tamika Knox, Dr. LaKesha Legree, and Dr. Continue Reading

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