Breastfeeding Awareness Month –  August 1 – 31st

World Breastfeeding Week – August 1st – 7th

Photo Cred: Eibner Saliba

Breastfeeding is a practice that dates way back and provides a host of benefits to our children. Often times, Melanated women get tricked out of giving our children the best there is to offer, because like most knowledge, this was stolen from us as well, and other methods were forced on us. Now if you use them today, it’s certainly not an issue, but the fact is, breastmilk is magic, and it heals our babies and ourselves, every day.

Breastfeeding isn’t always a joy to all, and sometimes there can be difficulties that make it hard to initiate the practice. Still, the benefits alone should at least be considered for those who are on the fence and seeking further information.

1. Create a Bond
Bonding starts in the womb and emotional bonding continues through breastfeeding. Breastfeeding stimulates hormones within you that gives you motherly instincts. It allows the child to continue feeling close to you as they did inside of your womb. This protection they feel will follow them through later years of healthy development.

2. A Healthy Start
The importance of breastfeeding and the role it plays in our children’s future.
The genes in our baby’s DNA are advanced by breast milk and help to create a strong immune and digestive system. Also, as the child grows, the milk continues to provide the necessary vitamins, hormones, fiber, protein, minerals and other nutrition the baby needs at each stage of development. So naturally, breast fed babies are sick less, have less allergic reactions to foods and improved brain development.

3. Awareness
We, as melanated beings, must acknowledge the advancement of our children, that the breast provides through feeding. Women of color still struggle to choose breastfeeding as their first option. It takes our entire village to support breastfeeding mothers and those who wish to, breaking cycles of the acceptance of our babies being formula fed, altogether.

My own breastfeeding journey has shown me so many layers of myself, that I continue to enjoy unfolding. I breastfed my daughter until she was three, and my two year old son is still currently breastfeeding. It is very inexpensive and always available. A simple form of convenience.

Photo Cred: Andrae Ricketts

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