There is no way to be in the same space as Dr. Asha Fields Brewer and not sense the robust energy which she carries. Known to most as Dr. Asha, she is the force behind Healthy Conversations which encompasses a myriad of ventures all focused on promoting healthy dialogues within the community. As an author, inspirational speaker, wellness advocate, and community leader, Dr. Asha Brewer welcomes us to live our lives fully and without apology. AFIYA Magazine sat down with her to learn more about her story, her gifts, and the message she is sharing with the world.
The origins of Healthy Conversations began in Dallas, Texas, where Dr. Asha attended chiropractic school at Parker University. While there she found her home church, where she was heavily involved and served as the Assistant Director for the health ministry at Dayspring Family Church. In 2012, while working on health-related programming for the women’s ministry, an idea came to mind. “During a meeting, I suggested that we have four sessions for women to fellowship during which we would be able to teach attendees ways to take care of themselves without telling them,” shares Dr. Asha. “I suggested that we do four Saturdays of activities like Gospel Zumba, walk and talk, and how to work out at home, and we called it Temple Fit. I’m forever grateful to my church for allowing me to spearhead that effort.”
After leaving Texas and returning to Tallahassee to begin working as a chiropractor at Florida State University, Dr. Asha found herself receiving calls and texts from church members about the continuation of the program. “So, since I wasn’t there physically, that’s when I started blogging so that members could access the wellness information from anywhere,” she says. Over time, what started out as a modest program continued to gain friction, as Dr. Asha was able to turn her blogs into a radio show, Temple Fit with Dr. Asha, currently on Hallelujah 95.3, as well as a column within the local newspaper, also known as Temple Fit. I’d get so many questions about the same things, like what to do about stress, low energy levels, what to eat, and so on. They all dealt with personal well-being,” explains Dr. Asha. This led to more speaking engagements and community involvement, and eventually the creation of the Temple Fit Company, now comprised of two entities, a wellness agency and a nonprofit. “The Temple Fit Wellness Agency has over 30 faculty that we work with, all of whom are wellness educators, fitness instructors and experts at what they do, and we provide workshops services and trainings,” Dr. Asha shares. “Temple Fit Health, Inc. is a nonprofit faith-based wellness organization where we get to touch the community and have dialogue about ways that we can pour into ourselves so that we can better pour into each other.”
Putting Pen to Paper
Creating a space and foundation for this dialogue to occur has led Dr. Asha Brewer down the path of publishing, having released three books to date. “While receiving a graduate certificate in event management from FSU, I recall my final practicum turning out to be 125 pages, and I said to myself then that if I could write 125 pages on running one event, then I could write a book.” Dr. Asha recounts. “So that’s when I set out to write book number one. I went back and gathered all of my blogs, newspaper articles, speaking engagements, and radio segments into one space and organized my thoughts, and from there came my first book, Eat. Drink. Do. Three Basic Principles for Health by the Bible, released in 2016,” Dr. Asha then moved on to release her second book, Overflow: Six Strategies to Beat Burn out and Reclaim your Abundant Life. “I had a difficult time releasing that book, and I didn’t know what was holding me back,” she recounts. “I eventually came to the awareness as to why it was difficult, and that’s because it wasn’t the season for it. Overflow ended up being released in March 2020, at the start of the pandemic – during a time when we had more time to invest in ourselves. Even I needed it at that time.”
Shortly after that, Dr. Asha brought us Reflection: Women’s Wellness Journal. “Reflections contains over 30 prompts and exercises to help someone reflect on themselves in the six different areas discussed in Overflow,” she explains. Fans can look forward to Dr. Asha Brewer’s fourth book being released by the Summer of 2021, a second journal guiding us on how better exhale.
Connecting Through Mentorship
An additional and equally important part of Dr. Asha’s work is her involvement within the community working with college students. “Someone once asked me what I wanted my legacy to be, and I said mentorship – something that is deeply rooted in my heart,” explains Dr. Asha. “I love working with college students because they can see, appreciate and acknowledge their growth, and we’re able to give a good understanding of what it means to pour into ourselves now.”
Dr. Asha’s drive to imbue college students with this knowledge has allowed for her to contract with Florida State University, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University while also working as an adjunct instructor at Tallahassee Community College. “When I look back at who helped me during my college experience, I’d say it was this sort of fusion of healthy relationships with my parents, special friends, and mentors who provided me the space to explore being my authentic self. I appreciate them for that, and I hope that’s what I get to provide to college students.”
What Keeps Her Going
As a dynamic and powerhouse speaker, Dr. Asha Brewer stands firmly on where she derives her energy. “There is a scripture, Philippians 2:13 that says ‘this energy is a God-given energy to will and do what pleases him.’ So, when I look at times when people say I have so much going on or my energy is full, I tell them God gives me this energy,” she says. “When preparing for any speaking engagement, whether it is a workshop or a keynote, in my mind I envision all the people who are going to be there, and it just gives me so much zest,” Dr. Asha states. “I don’t want to be put behind a podium or have a microphone with wires or many connections because I want to move around and connect. In my mind, we’re dialoguing. The people I’m connecting with provide me with a great source of inspiration and energy.”
A Reminder for Self-Care
Understanding the importance of pouring back into ourselves, Dr. Asha ensures that self-care is not left off of her list. “There are two things I do that I make no compromises about. One is my Sabbath. I take one day every week where I do all the things that are going to refill me. My Sabbath is on Fridays,” she shares. “The other is something I recently added back into my schedule, and that is my wellness week – a time when I prepare whatever needs to be done for the next month. It gives me this time to re-calibrate so that I’m not dashing back-and-forth from one thing to the next. Instead, I can just wake up and allow the day to un-fold.”
Dr. Asha Brewer encourages women to create the space for themselves to truly reflect on what lifestyle changes may help in leading a healthier and more fulfilling life. “Don’t outpace your peace. If you’re in a place where you regularly feel rushed or as though you don’t have the time to finish anything, then you have outpaced your peace. As women, we’re so nurturing and giving that we often just let that happen. Instead, if you’re in a place where you’re able to take those moments to pause, look around and notice some of your work that you’re pleased with or relish in your relationship or be proud of your child’s development, then you’re on pace with your peace,” she advises. “So, I think for women, if you can say to yourself, okay, ‘did I outpace my peace today’, and honestly respond, and however you respond – whether it’s yes or no – use that to guide tomorrow. Then just do that day after day until you get to a space where you’re proud of the peace that you’ve lived in and exercised that day.”
Don’t outpace your peace. If you’re in a place where you regularly feel rushed or as though you don’t have the time to finish anything, then you have outpaced your peace.
What’s in the Works?

Along with the release of Dr. Asha Brewer’s fourth book this summer, she is looking forward to hosting the 2021 SHE Tea, an annual Women’s Wellness Conference, being held virtually on June 6th – June 12th. “This is our 7th year, and the theme will be ‘Exhale’,” Dr. Asha states. Attendees can expect a week full of stimulating and uplifting activities. “We’re kicking things off on Sunday where I’ll be doing the Keynote, and then on Monday and Tuesday, were going to have live virtual mentoring, which is a staple of the event,” Dr. Asha explains. “Wednesday will be our Sabbath where everyone can breathe in their own independent ways. Thursday, we have a special treat, where we will do our SHE Tea communities and will share a few activities that can be done if attendees want to do them safely in person. Friday and Saturday will be our conference workshops. Saturday, in particular, will start off with a morning meditation, then we’ll do faith-based yoga, go into our workshops, and end with community breathing. I don’t want to give away all the secrets, but we’ve got so many dynamic panels, workshop topics and people — it’s amazing.”
As Dr. Asha Brewer continues to use her gifts to spark dialogue regarding wellness, she motivates us all to live our lives fully and abundantly. “You can have plenty of gifts, talents, and abilities, but you can also adulterate those gifts, talents and abilities by allowing other people to bogart their way into your schedule. We say that we’ll make time, but you are not the creator of time. You can manage it, you can invest it, you can waste it, and you can spend it. But you cannot make it. So, are you making room for those gifts? Are you giving them a space to breathe? Are you giving them a space to grow? Are you giving them a space to be watered? Are you giving them a space to be nourished and nurtured? Think about it as a garden. We are a plant, too. We are a part of creation, and we have to water and nurture ourselves too.”
Fun Facts About Dr. Asha Brewer!
Web: www.doctorasha.com
FB: Doctor Asha
Photo Cred: The Artful Lens Photography

Rashida A. Marshall, MS is the creator of AFIYA Magazine, a digital health and lifestyle publication for Black women. This creative venture grew out of her love for learning, teaching, and sharing valuable wellness information to help improve the quality of life. Rashida is also a Pilates and dance instructor specializing in women’s health.