Our core is the central powerhouse of our body. It plays a major role in our overall stability, control, posture, and balance. At times, we may want to focus more on the aesthetic of our midsection. Yet, what’s more important is that regularly perform core moves that will maintain a healthy center. Below are two exercises that can do just that.
Floating Sit-Up w/ Weight
For this exercise, begin in a reclined position with your legs lengthened. With your arms lengthened above you, hold on to a weight of your choice.
As you exhale, begin to peel your back off the mat as you round up. At the same time, draw the knees into center and reach the weight toward your toes. Slowly round back down while hovering the arms and legs.
Repeat 8-12 reps.
Plank to Pike
Begin in a forearm plank position. You can also choose to start in a plank with extended arms. Lift one leg off of the mat.
As you exhale, use the core to press the hips ups to the ceiling while pulling the knee into center. You can add a slight twist by pulling across to the opposite shoulder.
Inhale as you shift the body back into a plank position.
Repeat 8-12x.
As mentioned, having a strong core is beneficial for a variety of reasons. It doesn’t only improve our postural stability and balance. It can also prevent back issues, enhance our performance during routine exercise, and enhance strength gains.. Check out our May/June issue to check out more of these core moves!

Rashida A. Marshall, MS is the creator of AFIYA Magazine, a digital health and lifestyle publication for Black women. This creative venture grew out of her love for learning, teaching, and sharing valuable wellness information to help improve the quality of life. Rashida is also a Pilates and dance instructor specializing in women’s health.