foot health

Foot Health: Why it’s Important

Feet are often overlooked in discussions about health, yet they play a crucial role in overall well-being. Not only do they support the entire body, but the condition of your feet can also reveal significant insights into your overall health. Neglecting foot care can lead to serious health issues, making it essential to pay attention Continue Reading

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water birth

Water Births: Flowing Into Labor

When moving through our pregnancy journey, we’re introduced to a new world of decision-making. With each choice we make, our intentions are for them to be what is best for both mother and baby. For women who are considering water births, knowing about the process can ease feelings of uncertainty. With more information available regarding Continue Reading

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Skin Conditions: Understanding How They Work

Skin diseases like eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis are common and can have a major negative influence on a person’s quality of life. Even with some parallels between them, every illness has its features. This is why knowing and understanding skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis is helpful. With an emphasis on holistic approaches, this article Continue Reading

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breastfeeding resources for Black women

11 Breastfeeding Resources for Black Women

Earlier this month, we talked about the gifts of breastfeeding for National Breastfeeding Month. Now we want to close out the 31-day recognition with breastfeeding resources for Black women. Continue on to learn more about 11 organizations that are committed to seeing positive change surrounding Black maternal health. African American Breastfeeding Network Based out of Continue Reading

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Self-Care Vacay – 4 Solo Trip Ideas

While it may seem like women are the most privileged gender, we usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to responsibilities. In the corporate world, we work harder than men but are paid less. In society, we are easily judged by appearance, marital status and sexuality, and reproductive choices. Even in Continue Reading

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balance training

Balance Training: Why it Matters

It can be easy to forget about balance training when developing a fitness regimen. Nonetheless, just like endurance, resistance, and flexibility, it’s an important part of a well-rounded exercise program. Staying on top of it can make a difference in the way we move throughout our daily lives. The Value of Balance When our body Continue Reading

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black seed oil

Black Seed Oil: A Natural Beauty And Health Elixir

Black seed oil is derived from the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant and has been valued for its remarkable health benefits for thousands of years. Known variously as “black cumin,” “black caraway,” or simply “black seed”, this oil serves as a versatile natural remedy that is employed in numerous cultures and nations. This article Continue Reading

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breastfeeding benefits

The Gifts of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is highly regarded for the impact it can have on new moms and babies. It’s an amazing bonding experience for mothers who choose to practice. It also provides a multitude of benefits – some even lasting long after the baby’s entrance into this world. As we enter National Breastfeeding Month, we’ll explore more about Continue Reading

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sister circles

Sister Circles: Why They’re Important

We rely on them through the breakups, the job losses, disappointments of life and in the joyous moments, like weddings, the birth of a child, and wins in our careers. As a woman there, may be some science behind why you need a village; tribe; girl group; girl gang; sisters; besties; sister circles; sorors; etc. Continue Reading

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Sustainable Black-Owned Beauty Brands!

In recent years, there has been a growing movement towards sustainable and inclusive products across various industries, and the beauty sector is no exception. Black-owned beauty brands have been leading the charge in creating products that cater to a diverse clientele while embracing eco-friendly practices. This shift represents a monumental step towards a more equitable Continue Reading

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