With a lively and enthusiastic energy that simply cannot be ignored, Kanika Nikki Utley is an indication of what we can achieve and become once we connect with to our inner power. With a background that has taken her across the world and connected her with people from all over, she has discovered where her purpose lies – inspiring others to take the reins of their lives without fear. Wellness Lifestyle Coach and author of Stay Bold: Live Powerfully Beyond Fear, Kanika took the time to share with AFIYA Magazine her inspirational journey of living her life beyond the limits.
Originally from New Jersey, Kanika attended Syracuse University. After taking some journalism classes, she embarked on a career in the area, working for Dateline NBC as a journalist before moving on to reality television. It was here that she gained nearly 20 years of experience producing content, managing talent, and working with big names such as Oprah Winfrey, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Drew and Arsenio Hall.
As time went on, however, she began to sense that she was not where she was supposed to be. “I definitely have several experiences where I had to stop and restart, and every time I did, it had something to do with pain and lack of fulfillment. I believe pain is a portal that makes us stop and be still so we can really examine our lives,” Kanika expresses. “The first time that I saw that big change in me was when I left television. I was really unhappy with myself and my job, so I did something really bold and that was to sell all my stuff, travel the world with the love of my life and help people in Southeast Asia.”

Her decision to begin a new chapter, allowed Kanika to begin making an impact in women’s lives. “One of the most important things I feel like I gained from my travels was validation. I had one experience where I was working with a woman who I helped lose nearly 50 pounds, so she wouldn’t have to go resort to surgery. We changed her nutrition, began working out three times a week, and you could see the changes happening in her body, energy and attitude,” Kanika says. “It was really awesome, and I started believing more in my power to bring change and to heal people.”
Kanika recalls a special moment where her client thanked her deeply for saving her life “That was the greatest gift that’s ever been spoken to me from a client. She whispered that in my ear, and I just gushed with tears. It meant a lot to me because I was able to validate myself with that story. I had the capability of helping people save themselves from whatever bad habits, trauma, or pain they may be suffering from, because movement is healing, movement is medicine.”
As time progressed, Kanika encountered another challenging period that encouraged her to use her recent experiences and begin taking steps in a new direction. “The second time when I had to stop and restart was after experiencing heartbreak. The 10-year relationship that I was in, with the person I was travelling the world with, wasn’t going to be what I thought it was going to be. And it was kind of like, what are you going to do,” shares Kanika. “I knew I couldn’t just sit there and cry and wallow in it. I remember that night, I was sitting in my bed, and I said to myself ‘tomorrow, it’s going to be different. I started coming up with a list of things that I needed to do to take my power back.”
With experience as a fitness and bodybuilding competitor, working with clients and hosting wellness workshops and weight loss challenges, Kanika knew the path that she was being called to walk. “I decided that I wanted to pursue a career that was a lot more fulfilling, one that would really impact and change people’s lives. So, I decided to seriously get into the health and fitness industry,” Kanika shares. The decision to step away from her 10-year relationship and press the “do over” button led her towards attaining her yoga and personal training certifications and relocating to Honolulu, Hawaii, where she now works as an event concierge, personal trainer/yoga instructor and coach at F45 Hawaii Kai.
Like with most major life changes, Kanika recalls the sense of fear she experienced along with the current circumstances that helped to shift her perspective. “My biggest fear was having to hustle, find people to work with, market myself, and thin of ways to draw people in. It seemed like so much to deal with,” Kanika states. “But, COVID has made us all look at our lives in an entirely different way. It showed up, and we realized there is no stability ever. It made me think about what I really love doing, and I love being a teacher and leading by example,” Kanika says. “COVID forced me to believe in my power, to go for it, and just trust that my vibe will attract my tribe. Before I was so full of fear, but now it’s all about trust. If we’re going to love ourselves, then we got to trust ourselves in everything that we do, whether it is career, relationship, your workout, you got to trust that you can move through it, and that’s what makes us bold.”
The commitment to move without fear is a major focus of Kanika’s latest book Stay Bold: Live Powerfully Beyond Fear, which blends personal stories and life lessons with fitness, nutrition, meditation, and overall well-being. “Toni Morrison has a quote that says, if there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it, and that’s exactly what happened to me,” she says. “I created this book idea in my head thinking I was going to find it in the bookstore, but I didn’t. Then the little voice, which I call the Spirit said, you know what, you should just go ahead and write the book. Now is the time.”
The decision to write her book was also a moment for Kanika to reconcile aspects of her life that had been buried. “I was molested as a child and carrying that trauma with you for so long affects you growing into adulthood, which I didn’t know. I realized it was the reason why I was so addicted to moving my body. I was trying to heal that deep part of me that was broken and had been denied for 40 years,” Kanika expresses. “I finally got to talk about it and just said, I’m just going to go there and acknowledge what happened to me as a child.”
By doing so, and researching the subject more, Kanika was able to recognize how much she had been affected by the experience and the different ways it had appeared in her life. “Writing the book was very therapeutic. It allowed me to go through different stages of grief. As I learned more about it, I started to identify with why I was the way I was. I started having discovery moments and realizing I wasn’t the only one, and I didn’t need to live in shame. Finally, in the end, I got to that point, where I was able to say to that little five-year old girl, I’m sorry for taking so long to talk about this, please forgive me.” What started out as a creative project for Kanika’s enjoyment, grew into something that connected readers to aspects of themselves that still needed healing. “After sharing the book with my Aunt Rhonda, she encouraged me to share my story with others. That’s when I became serious about getting a team and putting the book together.”
Kanika’s credits her blueprint of visualization, breathing, preparing and affirming as something that has helped her and can be valuable for those seeking to step out on faith. “I tell people all the time to start with a vision, because if you don’t have one, it’s like getting on a bike, and not having a direction. The next thing is to breathe through it which will bring clarity for the vision and how you will execute it,” Kanika asserts. “After that, you have to prepare yourself. We come up with business plans, but where is the plan for your life? For you. Your healing. Your emotions. Addressing the things that are still eating away at you from your past. Finding what brings you joy. Finally, you have to affirm yourself with statements like, I am love. I am worthy, I am great. I am strong. I deserve abundance. Equipped with all those things, you just move. You visualize, you breathe, you prepare yourself, and you affirm yourself. Then you go out there and you move on it. Even if you are full of fear, you’ve still got to take action.”
Finally, you have to affirm yourself with statements like, I am love. I am worthy, I am great. I am strong. I deserve abundance. Equipped with all those things, you just move. You visualize, you breathe, you prepare yourself, and you affirm yourself. Then you go out there and you move on it. Even if you are full of fear, you’ve still got to take action.
Kanika credits connecting to the breath as one of the most significant aspects of well-being. “The breath is the number one thing I cue people to do in my book. It has the power to transform our entire being and bring clarity to the mind. Breathing is the foundation of holistic living because the breath is tied to so many things – stillness, silence, focus. Deep breathing is going to give you those aha moments and help connect you to your intuition and inner spirit which can lead you. Whenever I follow that spirit, or that voice, I’m always right. I never suffer, and that’s the protection. I also believe we must go with the flow. Stop resisting and accept. ‘I accept’ means I surrender. Accept means let go. I accept means I’m not going to try to control. I accept means I’m not going to let fear guide me. I accept means I trust.”
Leaving us with her words of wisdom for women, Kanika encourages us to get in touch with our inner selves. “Be a kid again, start imagining and using your creativity. In order for us to step into our power and stay bold, we have to get creative, use our imagination, and figure out how to go beyond those limitations that are in our head. Get back to thinking big. Figure out what you enjoy doing and what makes you happy. The more you do what you love, the more it gets you closer to your purpose and what you’re aligned and meant to do in this world.”
Stay Connected
Facebook: Kanika Nikki Utley
Instagram @Nikkigrowfit
Cover and feat image – Photography by Tien Enga

Rashida A. Marshall, MS is the creator of AFIYA Magazine, a digital health and lifestyle publication for Black women. This creative venture grew out of her love for learning, teaching, and sharing valuable wellness information to help improve the quality of life. Rashida is also a Pilates and dance instructor specializing in women’s health.