As the temperature rises and the days get longer, summer brings a refreshing vibe to our homes. One of the best ways to embrace the spirit of the season is by incorporating indoor houseplants into your summer decor. Not only do they enhance the aesthetic appeal of your living spaces, but they also improve air quality and create a calming atmosphere. In this blog post, we will explore ten indoor houseplants to get this summer that are perfect for your foliage collection.

Monstera deliciosa (Swiss Cheese Plant)

Known for its striking, holey leaves, the Monstera deliciosa is an iconic choice for summer decor. This tropical plant thrives in bright, indirect light and requires minimal care. Its large, glossy leaves create a tropical ambiance, making it an excellent addition to any room.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a versatile plant that not only adds a refreshing touch to your decor but also offers numerous health benefits. Its succulent leaves contain a gel that soothes sunburns and skin irritations. Place it near a sunny window and enjoy the natural beauty and healing properties of this remarkable plant.

ZZ Plant

If you’re looking for easy-to-maintain indoor houseplants to get this summer, the ZZ Plant is an excellent choice. With its glossy, dark green leaves, this plant thrives in both low light and bright areas. It is highly tolerant of neglect and can survive well during the summer when you might be away on vacation.

Snake Plant (Mother-in-law’s Tongue)

The Snake Plant is a popular choice for both beginner and seasoned plant enthusiasts. This hardy plant thrives in a wide range of light conditions and is known for its air-purifying qualities. Its long, sword-shaped leaves come in various shades of green, adding a modern and stylish touch to your summer decor.

Mixed color Rubber plant
Mixed color Rubber plant

Rubber Plant

With its large, glossy leaves, the Rubber Plant is a fantastic addition to your summer indoor garden. It prefers bright, indirect light and thrives in warm temperatures. Its striking foliage makes it one of the best indoor houseplants to get this summer adds a dramatic flair to any room, making it a statement piece in your summer decor.

Peace Lily

The Peace Lily is not only aesthetically pleasing but also known for its ability to improve indoor air quality. It features dark green leaves and beautiful white flowers that bloom throughout the summer. Place it in a shaded area away from direct sunlight to enjoy its delicate beauty.


Bromeliads are exotic and colorful plants that can instantly transform your summer decor. These tropical beauties feature vibrant flowers and striking foliage. They thrive in bright, indirect light and prefer humid conditions. With their unique shape and vibrant colors, Bromeliads make a stunning addition to any room.


Next on our list of indoor houseplants to get this summer, I bring you Pothos. Pothos is a popular trailing plant that adds a touch of lush green to your indoor spaces. With its heart-shaped leaves and ability to tolerate a wide range of lighting conditions. It can be placed in a hanging basket or allowed to trail down from a high shelf, creating an elegant cascading effect.

Spider Mum

Spider mums are known for their unique, spiky petals that resemble spider legs. They are available in various colors, including white, yellow, and shades of pink and purple. Spider mums thrive in bright, indirect light and prefer slightly cooler temperatures. With their intricate and fascinating flower structure, spider mums can add an interesting texture and visual appeal to your summer decor.

Bonus Addition


Adding orchids to your indoor plant collection can elevate your summer decor to a whole new level. Orchids are renowned for their stunning flowers, delicate beauty, and exotic allure. They are the perfect indoor houseplants to get this summer with their wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, orchids offer endless possibilities for creating a captivating summer display.

Orchids can be a bit more challenging to care for compared to other houseplants. They have specific light, temperature, and watering requirements, so be sure to research and understand the needs of your particular orchid species. Including orchids in your summer indoor plant collection is a surefire way to enhance your decor with elegance, vibrant colors, and delicate blooms. Orchids offer a wide array of choices to suit your taste and style.

Don’t let this list of indoor houseplants to get this summer go to waste. Incorporating indoor houseplants into your summer decor not only brings a refreshing and natural touch to your home but also offers numerous benefits for your well-being. So, this summer, invite nature indoors and enjoy the beauty and tranquility.

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