Uterine Fibroids: Foreign Invaders
By Doniss Hicks, RD
The Fibroid Experience
As an African-American male, I was admittedly oblivious to the devastating effects that uterine fibroids can have on the gynecological and psychological health of African-American women. I had never heard of fibroids, period. That is, until about three years ago when I was abruptly introduced to a whole new life experience.
Much like the woman with an issue of blood, the biblical account of an unnamed woman who suffered for 12 years with an unresolved blood illness until she touched the hem of the Garment of Jesus Christ. My wife, Tasha, experienced this same turmoil. At the age of 26, she began to suffer from heavy bleeding during her menstrual cycle, extreme discomfort, frequent urination and of course, pain. Eventually, she was advised by her physician to undergo a surgical procedure called a myomectomy. Unfortunately, her physician never explained to her that the fibroids would grow back at an aggressive rate, nor was she informed that she may require more surgical interventions which occurred at the ages of 30, 33 and 38.

AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.