LaQuinta Demous Williams is using her past experiences and weight struggles to inspire others to live better lives through her business Demous 5 Fitness. Growing up in Quincy, FL, LaQuinta dealt with hurtful words and critiques as it related to her weight. Over time it led to feelings of depression and a discontent with the way she looked and felt. She made the decision to take those feeling and flip them by making herself her first project. After life took a toll on LaQuinta’s health and well-being, she chose to make it her mission to not only be help herself but to also be of service to others who were also dealing with similar weight problems.
Now based out of Atlanta, GA, this 42 year old wife and mother of five is using her transformation as a form of inspiration. LaQuinta is helping women get into their best physical and mental state by showing them that it’s possible, despite how hard it may seem. She took the time out of her schedule to share more with AFIYA Magazine.
AFIYA: When women come to you who are looking to lose weight and have been through similar experiences as you, what do you do or say to keep them motivated?
LaQuinta: The first thing I ask new clients is, “why do you want to do it?” I need to know what I’m dealing with. I try to get them to agree to be truthful and assure them that their business will stay with me. It helps to deal with the mental state, and the financial state, first so that I can know what I’m wrestling with. I aim to tackle the stress points first.
AFIYA: What has been the most beneficial thing for you as it relates to improving your health and how has that, in turn, helped your clients?
LaQuinta: What encourages me is good conversation with my clients. If I see that I’ve been a blessing to someone, even if it was just during a consultation, that can easily motivate me to do a ton of burpees. That inspires and pushes me to work. I also learn something new every time I speak with a client, and what they don’t know is that helping them is also helping me. They are a blessing to me, too. I get hard on myself sometimes, but I’m reminded that we’re all going through our struggles and difficulties.
AFIYA: You currently have a spiritual encouragement book that you are getting ready to release. Could you share more about that?
LaQuinta: It started with a challenge on Facebook. My close friend, Chele Corker, challenged me to post a different scripture every day for 10 days and tag someone it. So I chose to post things that helped me through my tough times. At first it was just a challenge, but after the 10 days, I realized that it had become more than that and I just continued posting, even without tagging people. Someone suggested that I turn it into a book, and when I went to my notebook where had all my favorite scriptures written down, I saw that I had collected enough for a book without even realizing it. So that’s what I decided to create, a book full of short passages that had really helped me during my toughest times and kept me motivated. The book, titled Spiritual Encouragement: Obedience is the Key, in the final stages of completion, and I hope to release it soon.
Rashida: What pushes or inspires you?
LaQuinta: The needs and goals of my clients are what keep me going. I know that my purpose is to help others. I’m 42, have five kids, and dealt with being a single mother after the divorce from my first husband, but I was still able to transform myself. If I was able to do that, then you can too—and more. God gave us the power to do what need to do for ourselves, so I aim to do as much as possible for my clients. My kids are big inspiration to me. Also, my friends Elijah and Antwune, who are also fitness trainers, continue to push and motivate me.
AFIYA: As an entrepreneur and owner of Demous 5 Fitness, how has that process been and what have you learned?
LaQuinta: It’s no joke! Your business is definitely your baby so you have to pay attention to it. You can’t worry about the money or else you won’t gain true success. Get someone in your corner, spiritually, who will help to keep you going. Be humble—remain willing to learn from others because there is always more to learn. And never let anyone kill your motivation or your vision. You are unique and different. I consider myself to be the most unique trainer. No one can train like LaQuinta. It’s not arrogance, it’s confidence in my ability.
AFIYA: What would be your words of wisdom to women?
LaQuinta: Know your worth. Once you tap into that, everything else falls into place. We deal with a lot, but what has helped me has been learning my worth and knowing my value. We wouldn’t be so quick to exhibit jealously of one another or try to compete. It’s okay to compliment each other and support one another. When you know your worth, you don’t have to worry about all of that.
Facebook: Demous 5 Fitness
IG: demous5fitness
AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.