The Fitness Representative
By Rashida A. Marshall
Gabori Hill, Sr. of Chicago is on a mission to represent fitness for life. A former member of the Marine Corps, Gabori is the owner and lead trainer of The Fitness Representative, a personal training business aimed at providing clients with the tools needed to improve all aspects of their health. Mr. Hill shared with us what got him started and we can all stay on the right path to wellness.
Rashida: Thank you for taking the time out to speak with us! Please tell us a little more about yourself and what got you into fitness?
Gabori: My interest for health and wellness started while I was in the Marine Corps. We would do so much stuff dealing with physical exercise, and I noticed how it would help the troops to feel so much better and become much more productive afterward.
Check out some exercises from The Fitness Representative above!
AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.