Hear from our sexual health counselor, Ms. Ariel-Nicole! She took some time to do a sexual health Q&A with us, and answer some of your questions
Q: Ariel, I came across a business that sells natural beauty and sexual health products. One product they sell is an oil that can be used in the vagina as a lubricant to fight off infections. Some of the oils in this product are coconut oil, tea tree oil, and lavender oil. Are these oils safe to use in the vagina?
A: Great Question! After doing some internet research, I found information on the oils that you may be referring to. Even though these oils are great for the body, safe to use and have antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-fungal properties I would not use them for my lady bits. First, coconut oil is a really drying or cooling oil. If the goal is lubrication, it could further dry out the internal organs. Tea tree oil can have unsafe side effects and can cause drying, burning, skin irritation, itching, stinging and even redness. If the goal is to fight infections, maybe the use of this product should be reserved for when an infection does happen. You will need to know what type of infection you have so you do not use the wrong product or natural ingredient. If the internal organs are not in need of extra moisture (ie. vaginal dryness due to child birth, medication, menopause, etc.) I would not suggest this just because the vulva creates it own internal environment, and adding even natural products could affect the balance in certain good bacteria and yeast.
Oil in the vagina could get trapped in the folds of the vagina and become rancid thus contributing to an infection. Butters like shea or cocoa or waxes like beeswax and even jojoba oil can create changes in the way the skin cells of your vagina replace or grow. If one would like to incorporate a natural lubricant or moisturizer for the genitals try Good Clean Love, Astroglide (with no preservatives) or Aloe Vera Lubricant. I hope this was helpful!
Ariel-Nicole is not a medical professional and this article should not be substituted for seeing a trained medical professional.

Ariel NicoleĀ is a facilitator, counselor, and coach. Ariel has partnered with local, national, and international organizations to educate individuals on various topics related to sexuality, human development, relationships, and leadership.