The Power of Expression! The Inspirations of Release…Welcome back to all my Queens! Not only do we embrace the uniqueness of our natural hair as women individually; we also uplift and spread light and love to our fellow Queens within the community. Keep shining bright Queens! You may never know that what you do may inspire another Queen. I am so excited to share this interview with you all! I had the pleasure of networking with the incredibly fashionable and very sweet Ms. Catina Sinches through the mecca of social media! Catina owns the chic and inspirational, Rebel Earwear boutique, accessible online! Find it at Catinasinches.com
Her boutique offers pieces that cater to our Queens within the Natural Hair community. Catina uses her platform to encourage our Queens to love themselves and celebrates our uniqueness with cool and funky ear wear (jewelry) and other accessories that complement our style of Natural. Did I forget to mention that Catina is also a Creative! All of the pieces you will find on her online boutique are original creations made by this nurturing spirit. Take a sneak peek into Catina’s world of Rebel Ear Wear on Instagram. Follow her to see more!
Many of us can relate to the story of such an inspiring Queen. As women on the go, we often find ourselves donning many titles that require our time and attention. Admittedly, this type of lifestyle is not one for the weary. With multiple titles of her own (author, businesswoman, and mother), Catina is a force to be reckoned with and admired. When I found myself looking for innovative creatives to possibly collaborate with, I immediately gravitated toward this young woman’s spirit. I felt passion all throughout her pages on social media. She has so much to do in so little time, that it amazed me how she does so with a smile on her face and within her heart.
I recognized that she found what most Queens are still in search of. She has found a dream that she will not allow to be deferred! The energy and light she spreads with her dreams and gifts using her social media platforms are palpable. How many of us, as women settle into roles we deem appropriate because we are not investing in our own potential? When interviewing Catina, she opened up about her life journey and shared with me the paths she took as an “Accidental Entrepreneur” and also her take on being Natural! Keep reading to learn more!

SM: Tell me a little about yourself…
CS: A little about me… I graduated from the Texas Southern University. I am a mom, author, creative, and accidental entrepreneur. Accidental you asked? Yes, accidental. Being an entrepreneur was never on my radar. Not even a blip. My path was like most: go to college, get a degree, settle into a career and retire. That’s it. Then one day something happened. My life began to change. My interests began to change. I was changing in the process. I experienced growth! I consider myself a “creativepreneur” or a creative entrepreneur. I enjoy being an author, an artist, a crafter, and so many other things. I do not want to be labeled and placed in a box. Everything I do is only a small portion of who I am.
SM: How did you come up with the idea to jumpstart Rebel Earwear?
CS: The idea behind Rebel Earwear was created in 2014. I’d previously made hand-crafted beaded jewelry for years and I wanted to delve back in to the swing of it again. However, this time I wanted to try something different. I’d seen amazing pieces made out wood and I wanted to give it a try! After a lot of trial and error, my earrings finally came together. I wanted to create eye-catching accessories for the unstoppable woman always on the go!
SM: What are your New Projects?
CS: Creating is something that I undoubtedly enjoy! It is my thing. I wanted to challenge myself a little further and with that, “The Natural Hair Clutch” was born. This beautiful hand painted clutch launched September 17th and is available for purchase! I cannot leave out my latest project – Coffee/Tea Mugs for our Queens on the go. Winter is right around the corner so grab a mug and dash off to conquer your day!
SM: When did you decide to become Natural? Are you a Lazy Natural?
CS: The amazing decision to finally embrace my natural curls began in 2009. I began noticing beautiful women wearing their gorgeous natural hair everywhere I went. These women immediately became my inspiration and forced me to analyze the relationship I had with my hair. I had to ask myself, “When was the last time I saw my natural hair?” Did my scalp suffer any irreversible affects over time? Did the chemicals have any bearing on my overall health? Not to mention the countless hours spent getting my hair done. Taking all of that into consideration, I decided to embrace my natural journey and haven’t looked back.
What makes me a lazy natural: waking up in the morning, spraying my hair with my elixir, grabbing a beautiful scarf while walking out the door. I love the simplicity and freedom of being me!
Thank you Catina! If you are ever in need of amazing jewelry and accessories made by a Queen for Queens, be sure to check out Rebel Earwear Online Boutique!

Sheniqka Miller is a writer and journalist embarking on a new journey of self-love and women empowerment. Her overall goal is to spark a light that others can witness and feel inspired to spark one of their own. You can find Sheniqka on IG at @shyneqka.