AFIYA magazine is a digital and print publication dedicated to the enlightenment and empowerment of today’s cultural and professional woman. Our mission is to enhance the awareness and knowledge of health and wellness issues important to African American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand and develop within both our personal and professional lives. ‘Afiya’ is a Swahili name meaning ‘physical, emotional and spiritual health and wholeness’, and this is the primary focus of our publication.
AFIYA Magazine seeks to fill the void of publications geared towards African American women as it relates to health and wellness by providing knowledge-based content designed to enlighten, inform and inspire our readers.

Rashida A. Marshall is the creator of AFIYA Magazine. As a young girl, she would rip the health & wellness articles out of the magazines her mother received (after she read them, of course) just to learn more about the body and see how she could take care of her own. She would then take her latest discoveries back to school and attempt share them with whoever would listen. AFIYA Magazine is a creative venture which grew out of her love for learning and teaching.
Although she’s no longer destroying magazines, as a fitness and wellness professional, she continues to exercise her passion for health through fitness training, nutrition coaching and health education. To learn more, visit