By Kayla Moses-David
Transitioning into a New Year is my favorite time in the entire three-hundred and sixty-five days! Don’t get me wrong, great things and experiences occur over a course of a year, however, there is something spectacular about the feeling of rebirth, regeneration and advancing to new levels on this sweet life journey.
I am a dreamer and goal setter! I love to set my intentions, formulate my plans and execute them step by step, however, one thing that I have learned and continue to be reminded of is how supremely important the mind is in this process!
According to Buddhist teachings “What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow.” So if you desire to bring out the best in yourself in this new era of your life It begins with your mind! What do you spend most of your time thinking about? What are you focused on achieving in the new year? Is it better health, beautiful skin, getting adequate rest, drinking enough water throughout the day,or eating more fruits and vegetables? Well my friend, When you begin to connect with the power of the mind, you will be fully connected to a life of no limitations!
The first thing I would recommend on your journey to better health is to consciously work on removing the blockages in your mind! A blockage can present itself as an excuse, procrastination, rebellion, self sabotage,self doubt, fear or self worth. For example, you feel in your heart that you must go to the gym and exercise on a weekly basis however, when the topic comes up in your mind you begin to think “But will I have the time?” “Who will watch my kids?” “I do not have the money to afford a gym membership” “Is that really what I need to spend my time doing or my hard earned money on?”
“What will the other people at the gym say about my work out or think about my body?” Those are all examples of limiting beliefs and ways of thinking that create a mental block toward achieving your goals.You must work through these and overcome them in order to move forward. Remember, If your mind can conceive it you can achieve it! There are no problems, only solutions, as my mentor would say. Be open to the possibilities and know that everything can be worked out!
The second thing I would recommend is to create a vision board. Our mind is such a powerful resource in that If we are able to fully visualize exactly what our goals are and the desired results, we are that much more likely to accomplish and manifest our desires. Get a nice big poster board, cut out pictures of inspiring fitness models or pictures that represent what you are aiming for. Put it up on your wall and let that be your mind map! Clarity allows the process to be much easier because you know exactly what to look for in terms of pictures and you are able to set short term goals that take you step by step to your destination. Remember, You have the power and the ability to do anything! Choose to live your life by design and not by default!
My third recommendation is affirmations. You may have been taught that talking to yourself means you are crazy but there is true power behind training yourself into the right habits through word, sound vibration. Affirmations are words of power and a way of speaking yourself into healing. It is a phrase or statement of your truth. An affirmation is a positive phrase written in the present and first person. Affirmations allow anyone who uses them to feel elevated. Examples include, “I take great care of myself”, “ I AM Committed to my goals”, “I AM Dedicated to being in the best shape of my life.” These are just some examples but please feel free to create ones that work best for you! First thing in the morning after your gratitude for another day, a nice tall glass of water and a lovely bath or shower, Look into the mirror and recite your affirmations! The more emphasis and emotion you put into them the better! Remember, You must believe in yourself!
Lady to Lady, Sistar to Sistar, Friend to Friend! I encourage you to find your inspiration! What is your reason why? What are your reasons for doing this? Why do you desire better health in 2016?! Whatever that is for you, hold it dear to your heart. Remember it in all times and especially when life begins to twist and turn and take you through different experiences. Use it as your sword to cut through those difficult times as the journey may not always be easy.They say that in order to have what you have never had before, you must do what you’ve never done before. This Year take YOURSELF to the next level. I believe in you!
Kayla Moses-David
Natural Performing Artist and Healer
Kayla Ashnell Moses-David is a natural performing artist and healer. Originally from Saint Lucia, Kayla was exposed to the arts at the age of 4, and is skilled in the areas of classical piano, violin training, and various dance styles, including African, Hip Hop, Jazz, Modern and choreography. Kayla recently completed Sacred Woman training under Queen Afua and Queen Neith Hatshepsut MaaT.

AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.