Ogunlano Music
Spreading Love, Cultural Pride and Balance through Orisa Beats
By Rashida A. Marshall
Music has a way of influencing our moods and taking us to new places. When it’s matched with talented artists, captivating beats and substantial meaning, then it can become even more powerful and influential. This is a path that Odun and London Ogunlano have recently followed as they share with the world Ogunlano Music—a unique and soul-stirring blend of music set apart from the rest due to the original sounds of Orisa beats. We sat down and spoke with the couple about their desire to create music that moves the spirit and why balance in their relationship comes first.
What seem to be a destined path is what brought these two performers together, not only for artistic expression but also for showing and spreading love. As followers of the Yoruba tradition, which originates from Nigeria, West Africa, Odun and London have always found themselves immersed in the world of art. London’s artistic expression stems from having danced since the age of 8. “I grew up in an African-centered school and performed many varieties of dance,” shares London. Knowing that she had always wanted to sing, London took advantage a recent opportunity which allowed her to express herself as a vocalist. Her husband shares a similar story, as an experienced drummer. “I grew up in the Yoruba tradition and have been a drummer my entire life,” shares Odun. “The Yoruba culture along with the arts runs very deep in my family, and we have had many opportunities such as opening up for Fela Kuti.”
In a destined encounter where London emerged from the crowd to dance to drumming including Odun, the two were led together because of their similar passions. As they grew closer together and eventually married, they began to grow not only as partners, but as musical artists and started exploring new avenues for their music. “There is so much negative energy in entertainment now that we’re bombarded with, that we knew we had to choose a lane that would allow us to produce music which was different,” says London.

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