As the world we all know continues to evolve and our consciousness continues to expand, I am filled with deep gratitude. It is such a great time to be alive! As women, we are the feminine essence. We bring beauty, nurturing, unity, healing and an abundance of creative energy to the world. We birth babies, raise them, work full time jobs, care for our spouses, cook, clean, attend meetings, take our kids to extracurricular classes and still find the time and energy to develop ourselves and our goals. So with that I have to say, “Sister, I love you. Keep growing and moving forward.” I want to also encourage you to hold onto your dreams. Our dreams and aspirations are what keep us excited about our lives and our future. They keep us striving for better and out of our comfort zone. Remember when you were a little girl and you had this grand vision for yourself and your life but somewhere along the way you lost sight of it? Find the little girl within and her dream–she is waiting for you.

“A Nation can rise no higher than it’s women” is great incite spoken by Queen Afua in her book, Sacred Woman. As women, we set the standard in our homes, in our relationships and in our involvement with others. It is also said that a woman standing fully in her power is the revolution. When a woman knows her worth and her value she exudes self-confidence, poise and grace. She has the ability to influence and persuade. She is also the most connected to the elements, nature and her intuition. This woman puts nothing in the path of her dreams, does not over-compensate or over give of herself and definitely does not tolerate or settle for things just as they are. The way you find your power is to first stop taking yourself for granted. Acknowledge your gifts and what you offer to those around you. See how valuable you are by the way your presence uplifts others. Look in the mirror and see your beauty, your elegance and everything else that makes you great!

When a woman knows her worth and her value she exudes self-confidence, poise and grace. She has the ability to influence and persuade. She is also the most connected to the elements, nature and her intuition. This woman puts nothing in the path of her dreams, does not over-compensate or over give of herself and definitely does not tolerate or settle for things just as they are.

Kayla Moses-David

According to Forbes Magazine, entrepreneurship is the new women’s movement. Women see business through a different set of lenses and therefore do things differently. With our abundance of creative energy, our natural desire to care for others, in addition to a deep connection to our environment, we know just how to set things up for success. Many women have started businesses based on personal needs and areas where they knew they could impact change in their communities. This offers time, freedom and scheduling flexibility so that they are still able to maintain homes and families. Not to mention, the unlimited earning potential and elimination of stress related to a typical “work” day. Women are great networkers and understand the power of sharing and connecting with those around them. If you are not in business for yourself already, I encourage you to explore the talents you have and the ways in which you can monetize them. This could be through network marketing, a homeschool co-op, a blog for women or anywhere else in your community you notice a lack that you can address!

The work and home balance is very important. When we are out of balance this reflects in our children, our spouses and in us! You need your energy to stay balanced so that you are your best self when dealing with all of life’s changes and fluctuations.Your children need you to love them, nurture them and teach them. Your husband needs your time, attention and definitely affection. You need your personal time to recover and regroup from the energy you are putting out. Therefore,I encourage you to consider all the aspects of your life that demand your attention and prioritize them. You may not be able to do everything and that is okay. Consider waking up before everyone else and getting yourself together before the day gets going. It is well worth the investment of time in yourself!

In conclusion, My dear Sister, I would like to leave you with a prayer–one that has been such an inspiration and source of upliftment for me in times of high stress and emotional upset. Remember, always, your inner, divine light! Take excellent care of yourself through nutrition, fitness, spirituality and self love! You deserve the best and I believe in you!

Sacred Woman Spirit Prayer- Queen Afua
“Sacred Spirit, Hold Me near, Close to your bosom, protect me from all harm and fear beneath the stones of life. Direct my steps in the right way as I journey through this vision.Sacred Spirit Surround me in your most absolute perfect light, anoint me in your sacred purity, peace and divine incite. Bless me, truly bless me as I share this Sacred Life.Teach me Sacred Spirit to be in tune with the universe.Teach me how to heal, with the inner and outer elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. Dua NTR”

Kayla Moses-David

Author of Lady Kay's Corner

Kayla Ashnell Moses-David is a natural performing artist and healer. She has undergone Sacred Woman training under Queen Afua and Queen Neith Hatshepsut MaaT.

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