Living It Healthy
By Antoinette Ouattara, MPH, CHHC,
Holistic Nutritionist, Certified Health Coach
Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of information on dieting, detoxing and healthy eating that is pumped out by the media as the New Year approaches? Well, you are not alone as many people are confused and feel bombarded by the enormous range of superfoods, fad diets, and clean living regimes, often being left with a sense of helplessness. So, how can you decide which diet or detox plan is the right one for your New Year’s Resolution when the media is filled with seemingly contradictory statements and perspectives?
For example, from a cursory glance at social media or health blogs, you will find groups of health experts telling you to eat a low-carbohydrate, high fat and protein diet, different experts telling you to eat according to your blood type, and others arguing for a plant-based diet, paleo diet, or anti-inflammatory diet and so on.
So, what should you do? As quoted, “There is no one perfect way of eating that works for everybody. This is called bio-individuality. Each person has very specific needs for his or her own health according to age, constitution, gender, size, lifestyle and ancestry.” Each of us is a unique individual, with different cultural backgrounds, beliefs and lifestyle; you should listen to your body closely, understand what it is telling you about your health needs, and don’t believe the latest trends in dieting and lifestyle. Instead, aim to adopt a diet or lifestyle based on your needs, cultural background, health situation, and personal condition. How do you decide which diet or lifestyle is the best option for your New Year’s Resolution? While no one diet or lifestyle fits all, you can adopt healthy life changes that suit your body and its individualized needs by eating according to your age, gender, cultural background, lifestyle, and constitution. Don’t try to completely overhaul your life overnight with an unrealistic New Year’s resolution. Instead, just keep it simple! Focus on taking it one step at a time, making small changes that will eventually add up to much bigger ones in the long run. And, listen to your body as you go!
Living it Healthy Tips for the New Year
• Eat plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and quality protein
• Drink plenty of water
• Exercise at least 3 to 4 days per week
• Avoid junk and processed foods
• Try not to worry about things
• Relax and enjoy life
• Slow down
• Love yourself
• Think positive
• Stay calm
• Live in the moment, not the past, nor
the future
• Smile throughout the day
• Forgive and move on
• Have patience
The Formula for Living It Healthy is Simple:
Healthy Eating and Living + Physical Activity = “Living it Healthy”
Holistic Nutritionist and Certified Health Coach Antoinette Ouattara is a firm believer in the expression, She is the founder of Nutri-Nique Living, a Nutrition, and Wellness Consulting Practice, which specializes in promoting healthy living through clean eating. She has over 22 years of experience in healthcare, public health, and education and holds a Masters Degree in Public Health with a concentration in Nutrition.
AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.