Let’s Create
A Greater Vision For Mind, Body & Spiritual Wholeness in 2017 & Beyond
By Kayla Moses-David
“Our Womb is the gateway to life. Women’s wombs are a reflection of the conditions of the world. The conditions of our wombs directly reflects the conditions of our minds, spirits and hearts. Women, heal our wombs and we will heal this planet.” The state of our wombs, is the state of what we bring to the world because what we consume, digest, think and feel, we birth. Consider that every single thing that we take in or nourish is feeding our psyche and consciousness. We are constantly connecting with energy, information, frequencies, light, sound, breath, smells and flavors. Consider what you nourished in 2016 that is no longer beneficial to your highest and best good in 2017.
As Women, our responsibility to the creator is to anchor our feminine energy on this planet. Spoken by Iyanla Vanzant in one of her famous teachings, she speaks about the different qualities that women bring to any space or environment, such as grace, mercy, compassion, love, beauty, nurturing, teaching, unifying, and glorifying. Today, my desire is to help you jump start your imagination again. Visualize with me a whole, healed, happy you. See yourself in complete alignment and living your truth unapologetically, on purpose. You have everything you need to be successful. Your environment supports your efforts and endeavors. Your kitchen is now your healing laboratory, and in it you prepare only organic, high quality, vital, healing foods. You surround yourself with images that uplift your being and avoid negative, depressing news and entertainment. You see, this is a vision we have created, and in order to birth it into being, we must follow three basic steps. First, we must believe that we deserve to live in this state of heightened healing and bliss. Second, we must prepare for it by patiently working toward it and accomplishing smaller daily objectives. Third, we must express gratitude for everything we have, have had and for this beautiful vision that we will have. A vision is one that takes time to develop and grow precisely like a seed. We plant the seed as we plant our vision and begin to pull into our scope of view the clear mental images that represent the bringing forth of our intentions.
I want to offer you five different ways in which you can begin your journey to facilitating a grander vision of womb healing and purification so that all you bring into the world, reflects the best you!
How to Make Your Vision a Reality
1) Nurture Your Vision Affirm it Everyday. Never judge your clarity on how other people respond.
2) Establish A Daily Spiritual Practice Whether it’s through prayer, meditation (a moment of stillness) or journaling, find consistency is some form of spiritual practice.
3) Love What You Do: Find joy in your daily activities.
4) Gratitude Will Be Your Saving Grace. Be grateful for every lesson, experience and blessing–past,present & future.
5) Create a vision board of your goals. Place it where it can be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night.
*Bonus- Do one thing consistently for yourself each week that will cleanse, purify and liberate your spirit. Whether it be a spiritual bath, A healing smoothie, A raw meal, A session with the massage therapist or a 15 minute inversion. Whatever that is for you, honor it and make it a sacred moment of self-love for yourself. I conclude with an affirmation:
“I am the woman who lightens the darkness, I have come to lighten the darkness. It is lightened. I have overcome the destroyers. I am there for those who weep; who hide their faces; who have sunk down. They looked upon me then. I am a woman, I am a healer.”
Heal a Woman. Heal a Nation.
Kayla Moses-David is a professional dancer/choreographer, economic empowerment educator, Sacred Woman Practitioner, Kemetic Womb Yoga Dance Therapist and Co-Founder of Golden Beetle Body Culture–an emerging lifestyle brand out of Atlanta GA. She Created ‘Kay’s Corner’ out of her passion for inspiring women to live a natural lifestyle, nurture themselves, cultivate their energy and heal their wombs through mind, body, spiritual purification as taught by Queen Afua. “We Heal A Woman, We Heal A Nation”.

AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.