Meet Jackie and Janae Madison of Glamour Girl and Mommy & Me Fitness!
Glamour Girl Fitness got started after Jackie Madison gave birth to her daughter Janae at the fabulous age of 43. Having been fit prior to giving birth, and being able to quickly return to her pre-pregnancy size, Jackie wanted to then motivate and inspire other women to incorporate fitness into their lifestyle.
The Mommy and Me extension of Glamour Girl Fitness was created by Jackie out of the desire to remain active and still be present her daughter. At the age of four, Janae wanted to get in on the fun with mommy when she saw Jackie jumping up and down while exercising. When Jackie saw that her daughter began to imitate the movements, Mommy and Me was born which encourages mothers to stop making excuses and to take “A Time-Out for Fitness”. Superseding the word fitness with ‘family’, ‘fun’ and ‘fellowship’, Mommy and Me Fitness promotes creating a special bonding time between mother and daughter that helps to feed the mind, body and spirit all through fitness.
What was the moment that sparked your decision to move into Mommy & Me Fitness?
I remember I was working out alone-2 years ago, and I had Janay next to me as I was trying to get my workout in. As a lifestyle and weight management specialist, most of my clients are mothers, and they would always tell me that they didn’t have time to workout. I saw that my little one was very motivated to workout with me, and I wanted it to use it as a way to show other mothers how they could do this as well with their kids. Now at six years old, she’s so passionate about working out because it’s a bonding time for the both of us. Especially, when we make it fun.
For busy moms, it’s easy to start making excuses, but we want to challenge that. When you incorporate the kids, it will be something they enjoy.
What would you say are some of the key benefits of mother-daughter workouts?
Activities such as this build everyone up internally. It’s going to translate into both your physical and mental health improving. It provides relaxation, and helps with kids who may be too active. When we talk about transformation, we have to remember that we’re working on the mind, body, and spirit—it’s a great feeling. That’s why our message is “a timeout for fitness”. For busy moms, it’s easy to start making excuses, but we want to challenge that. When you incorporate the kids, it will be something they enjoy.
Janae: We have fun, and I get to spend to time with my mom. I’ve learned that working out is not just about the exercise. It’s also about making you feel good and healthy. And my favorite exercise is the burpee!
What are some different activities that you all like to do?
Janae: We do dance fitness, jump on the trampoline and race outside. We play in the park, and we have a playground in the backyard with a swing, monkey bars, etc.
Jackie: I’ve had people say that they don’t like to exercise so I like to supersede the word ‘fitness’ with ‘fun’. We go outside and race, we’ll go the park and make videos. We try to incorporate things that will be enjoyable for the kids but will also help with making it fun for the whole family.
As a lifestyle and weight management specialist, when it comes to nutrition, what are some tips that you like to share with the women you work with along with your daughter?
Jackie: Glamour Girl Fitness actually offers our clients a meal plan that provides a healthy food list. We also promote the message H.E.E.D, which stands for healthy eating every day. We also encourage our clients to eat the things they enjoy. The goal is to do everything in moderation. Initially, you may have to remove those things and then add them back in, but moderation is very important.
Janae: Some of my favorite fruits and vegetables are cherries, blackberries, strawberries, bananas, broccoli and collard greens.
What would be your advice or words of wisdom for new mothers?
I always tell busy moms to put themselves first. I have to put myself on my calendar the same way that I put everything else on the calendar. We’ll make time for everything else but ourselves. Start with small increments of time—at least 20min. You owe yourself that, and I promise, that 20 minutes will grow and start to transform your mental and your physical space.

AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.