The name “The Braiding Element’ was initially chosen to describe Ms. Cynthia Felix as a stellar student int high school AP Chemistry who loved doing braids as a hobby. As she transitioned into college at Florida State University, Cynthia would later continue investing in her hobby and more learning opportunities to keep her clients informed.
Braiding Element thrives on providing a service that meets the client expectations without any reservation. Contrary to popular belief, Cynthia does not believe that there is PAIN in BEAUTY. Each strand of hair is given proper care and attention by avoiding hand positions or movements that can cause a great deal of tension. Within the past couple of year, the business has committed to community initiatives by providing back to school hairstyles for young ladies in Tallahassee as well as conducting ‘Scholastic Saturday’ sessions for younger clients. Braiding Element recently launched the “COSMO BLOG” via the Braiding Element website, www.be-braidbar.com, that brings awareness to the intangible components of beauty management.
Natural Hair Tip: If you take care of your skin, your scalp will prove it. Therefore, be mindful of ingredients consumed on a daily basis which can affect your scalp conditions.

AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.