By Franzline Predestin-Whaley
Creating wealth is something that can be attained by us all, despite what our finances may look like at the moment. When we put our heart and mind to it, the opportunities are endless in regards to what we can see flourish in our lives. Cultivating a wealth mindset requires a full understanding of these things and the belief that it’s possible for own life. The following tips can lead you to the road of creating and maintaining massive success and wealth in all areas of your life.
- As cliché as it may sound, the first step to acquiring wealth is figuring out what it is that YOU are truly passionate about- what is it that makes you happy, that creates fulfillment for you?
- After having pinpointed the “WHAT”, you must then think of the “WHO”. Who can benefit from what you have to offer?
- Think BIG!!! The only thing that can keep you from achieving goals and wealth mindset are your own self-limiting beliefs. The lack of money cannot- there are always people and organizations willing to invest in people with great ideas and plans.
- Get inspiration from people who have done what it is that you would like to do by reading their books, spending time with them, and more. Listen, ask questions, take notes, review those notes, and internalize the parts that have relevance to your own goal achievement.
- Block out the objections of those who have never achieved nor witnessed what you are gearing up to achieve. They do not have a point of reference that is beneficial to your goals. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of letting family members and friends dissuade them from pursuing a goal. Perhaps these protesters are providing cautionary words out of fear and love for you. That is understandable. For that reason, you cannot discuss every low of your venture with them. This will further confirm their fears and risks and put a damper on your enthusiasm.
- Write down your “WHY”. Knowing what the bigger picture is and why it is important to you that your goals be met will provide added fuel to your journey in the moments when things aren’t going so smoothly.
- Write down a specific goal complete with dates and plan of action. I’m certain you’ve heard: “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” This is true on several levels. When you spend money and time haphazardly, you almost always will find yourself wondering where it all went, what it was used to accomplish “Wait, it’s already (insert time)?”, “Wait, I only have (insert amount of money) left?” This happens. Now think of a time when you had a precise plan (small wiggle room included) for what errands you would run, what amount of money you needed to stay under for particular activities or purchases… The outcome was much different, wasn’t it? In the same way that it is advisable to manage money and time when needing to accomplish small goals, the same can be said for the bigger one you are working on now.
- Keep books. A key to developing a wealth mindset. It is easy to find oneself not making profits. For example, an artist must consider both the price of materials purchased, as well as, the time spent making a piece (this must be considered because it is time away from another piece he/she could be working on). Otherwise, it will be very easy for that artist to walk away having made next to nothing in profits. I want you to do what you do for the love of it, yes, but it must also be sustainable. The only way to truly know if you are making profits and how much profits you are making, is to keep track of your expenditures and income.
- Reward yourself for small victories along the way.
- Think BIG!!! I have already mentioned this one, but it is important enough to have two slots on this list. BELIEVE! BELIEVE! BELIEVE that you can and you will achieve your goals!

AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.