By Katina D. Jones-Amoah
It is dark in here and I am absolutely petrified of the dark. I avoid it at all costs. I feel secure in the light. The light is bright and majestic; it reveals all of my wonderful attributes. I work as hard as one can to make sure that my light is shining, but with a “deep sigh” I keep struggling with the darkness. Anger is always rearing its ugly head. Sometimes I just want to run through the woods naked in all of my glory. I do not want to see the green-eyed monster any more. Ugh! Jealousy is so dark and scary. When it starts to rear its scary face, I automatically turn on the light. I do not want to face them. I do not want to face myself.
A lot of my clients feel this way when they enter into the BOLDA$$™ journey of their inner transformation. They have worked so hard at letting their light shine. Their lives appear to be together. They are well made up and they know the right words to say at the right time. Their social skills are impeccable and their light is shining as bright as a diamond. They are living up to how society has told them to live.

AFIYA Magazine looks to enhance the awareness and knowledge of wellness issues important to African-American women while providing a platform for us to grow, expand, and develop within our personal and professional lives.